Bismillah. Assalamu alaykum
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNYou can make a difference Education for All initiatives.
Education is essential for everyone. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part of life both personally and socially. However, the unequal standard of education is still a major problem that needs to be solved.
am writing this letter in request of educational sponsorship for Sheikh
Alhagie Omar Nyandou Islamic memorization and English Language Proficiency. The School was established in 1983 by the founder Sheikh Alhagie
Omar Nyandou from Pirang Village.
Furthermore, the school is dedicated to spreading authentic Islamic education from the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). And also engage in the teaching of English Language Proficiency for both Children and Adults.
Sheikh Alhagie Omar Nyandou Islamic memorization
and English Language Proficiency School is the oldest school in pirang Village
and have being spreading the Teaching of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Sunnah since in the 80's up to now. The
Boarding school comprises of Orphan and needs children whose parents are poor,
these children have free education. While those at the English
Language Proficiency, this children learn both the Quran and Modern English. With qualify
teaching Lecturers in both sectors.
Total Number of Studentsare:
Number of Student at the Islamic memorization 350- Boarding school
Number of Student English Language Proficiency 218 day schooling
10 full time Lecturers and 3 maid's
Our main concern is lack of learning material
to help this poor and needs children
1. Fencing the School Compound
2. At the Boarding School lack of bed, Mosquito Net, use clothes, use shoes,
3. Food, medical
4. Table and chairs
5. Staff room for teachers
6. Learning materials Books for both sectors
1. Fencing the School Compound
2. At the Boarding School lack of bed, Mosquito Net, use clothes, use shoes,
3. Food, medical
4. Table and chairs
5. Staff room for teachers
6. Learning materials Books for both sectors
Lack of toilet and kitchen
8. Other helps which will be useful for helping education in African especial the Gambian Children.
Although education has a significant influence on life, the average education is not the same in different areas. As a result, strategies are being made to resolve the problems. Without education, life would be disastous and detrimental. Consequently, to this day, we are trying or best to make education global and accessible for everyone particularly the poor and the disabled. There are still some places where the inhabitants are almost completely uneducated, causing a serious lack of knowledge. Addtionally, every child should should be given equal opportunities to learn and study. Because the development of a country depends vastly on the standard of education, it must do everything in its power to improve it. Although the educational systems of different countries are not similar but they have to share a common goal which is to provide its citizens a suitable and proper learning.
In conclusion, education is absolutely beneficial for society on the whole. It is a life-long process to each person that need to be reinforced throughout life. However, we need education system that may eradicate illiteracy and may provide the common man an access not only to basic education but also to higher and technical education.
8. Other helps which will be useful for helping education in African especial the Gambian Children.
Although education has a significant influence on life, the average education is not the same in different areas. As a result, strategies are being made to resolve the problems. Without education, life would be disastous and detrimental. Consequently, to this day, we are trying or best to make education global and accessible for everyone particularly the poor and the disabled. There are still some places where the inhabitants are almost completely uneducated, causing a serious lack of knowledge. Addtionally, every child should should be given equal opportunities to learn and study. Because the development of a country depends vastly on the standard of education, it must do everything in its power to improve it. Although the educational systems of different countries are not similar but they have to share a common goal which is to provide its citizens a suitable and proper learning.
In conclusion, education is absolutely beneficial for society on the whole. It is a life-long process to each person that need to be reinforced throughout life. However, we need education system that may eradicate illiteracy and may provide the common man an access not only to basic education but also to higher and technical education.
Serious consideration of my request would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from any good philanthropy around the Globe.
Isatou Nyandou
. You can make a difference Education for All initiatives.